Following the cost of living increase, money is tight for a lot of us right now. That's why it's the perfect time to look into the benefits available to you and how they can help save you some money right now.
If you’re aged 60 or over, there are a number of benefits you could be claiming. As well as your state pension, you could be entitled to money towards your heating bill, as well as free transport, dental and eye care.
Here are all the benefits for over 60s currently available.
Benefits for over 60s in UK
Pensions Guarantee Credit
This is a benefit boost to your weekly income for those who have low income or savings. To claim this, you must live in the UK, have reached the State Pension age and have little income or savings. You don’t need to have national insurance records and you can still be working, but you’ll need to prove that your income isn’t too high.
Public transport discount
In England when you reach the State Pension age, you’re entitled to a free bus pass, whereas in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland you're entitled to this once you turn 60.
If you live in London, you can travel for free on the buses and tubes when you’re 60.
Free eye test and dental care

Everyone over the age of 60 living in the UK is entitled to a free eye test and prescriptions on the NHS. You can also get free dental treatment if you’re claiming Pension Guarantee Credit or other benefits if you’re under the State Pension age.
Free TV license
Initially, if you were over 75 you were entitled to a free TV license, however, this changed in 2020. Now, you’re only entitled to a free TV licence if either yourself or someone that you live with, is over 75 and receiving Pension Credit (Guarantee or Savings). Residents living in care homes or sheltered housing may also be eligible for an Accommodation for Residential Care licence (ARC), which costs £7.50 and if you're blind or have severe sight impairment you could claim up to 50 per cent off of your licence.
Free flu jab
If you’re 65 or over you’re entitled to a free flu jab every winter. The type of flu vaccines you’ll be given will include an extra ingredient to help trigger a stronger response from your immune system. They’re usually given out between September and February and you can get this done at your GP, pharmacy or hospital.
Central heating grants for over 60s
Winter Fuel Payment: This is when you can receive between £100 to £300 tax-free money to help pay your heating bills. You’ll automatically be enrolled for this if you were born on or before September 26, 1955, or if you receive the State Pension or another social security benefit (this doesn’t include housing benefits, council tax reduction, child benefits or universal credit).

Cold Weather Payment: If you’re receiving Pension Credit and the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees or below over 7 days, then you could receive £25 for every 7 day period of cold weather between November 1 and March 31. This money will automatically be paid into your account if you're eligible.
Warm Home Discount Scheme: If you’re receiving Pension Credit you could get £140 off of your electricity bill. This will be automatically deducted off of your electricity bill between October and March if you’re eligible.
Caring benefits
Attendee Allowance: If you are State Pension age or older and need someone to look after you, you could receive between £60 to £89.60 a week to help cover the cost. You don’t have to have someone looking after you in order to claim this.
Related: A guide to Carer's Allowance
Personal Independence Payment: This has replaced the Disability Living Allowance. It’s tax-free money to help with living costs for those who have a long-term physical or mental health condition, a disability, or for those who struggle to do everyday tasks and getting around because of their condition. You can receive anywhere between £23.70 to £89.60 and must be under the state pension age to receive this.