Editorial policy

Editorial independence

We always endeavour that our content remains an unbiased and authentic reflection of our audience's interests. Our editorial team holds the reins, maintaining complete control over the creation, production, and publication of our content. We will always ensure that our content's direction and tone are driven solely by the desires of our readers.

Inclusion and diversity

We are dedicated to showcasing a broad spectrum of perspectives and experiences, ensuring that our content resonates with the diverse backgrounds, cultures, and communities of our readers.

Content updates

Yours is committed to providing content that's not just informative, but also timely and relevant. We regularly review our content, ensuring it stays accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with current trends and guidelines. Collaborating with our network of experts, we validate and refresh our content to maintain its reliability. Whenever new insights emerge, we swiftly update our content to reflect these changes. However the article has been updated, you'll know exactly when this has been done as articles will show a new "updated on" date to reflect this.


We pride ourselves on sourcing information from credible and respected outlets, including peer-reviewed studies, reputable institutions, and recognised experts in the field. We meticulously cross-verify our sources to ensure their reliability, thus minimising any potential biases or inaccuracies.

Product reviews

In our aim to guide you towards informed choices, our product review process is grounded in transparency, fairness, and integrity. Our reviewers remain impartial, solely assessing the products based on their own merits, irrespective of any external influences or affiliations. We may earn a commission from shopping links but this does not affect our product choices. Find out more about how we test.


We believe in full disclosure. Any partnerships, sponsorships, or affiliations that may influence our content will be clearly communicated, empowering you to make well-informed decisions. Although advertising revenue helps fund Yours and enables us to create content that benefits our readers, we maintain full editorial independence and no company, whether they have ads on our site or not, can influence how an article is written or what it says.


Our selection of experts is rigorous, ensuring they bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our audience. All experts affiliated with Yours must possess relevant qualifications, certifications, and credentials from reputable institutions or professional bodies. We verify their credentials to ensure they meet our standards of expertise and professionalism.

Medical review policy

Our content undergoes rigorous scrutiny by medical and health experts to guarantee accuracy and relevance. From doctors to specialists in leisure and wellness, our team of experts ensures our content meets the highest standards of quality and credibility.